Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Faith, and how it helps me choose joy in the journey!

Many of you know I am not a writer. I never have been and may never be... hopefully I will get that talent someday! :) I have a huge post I have been working on, but its not ready to go yet and I feel like I want to jot down some thoughts I have had lately. I have been thinking a lot after getting many questions from fellow neighbors and friends (I really live by the best people ever). Everyone is so concerned for Kynlee as well as the rest of my family. "How are you holding up?" "Are you guys doing OK?" "When will you find out?" All of these are valid and very thoughtful questions. This is a huge deal and could be a big life changer for us. I have noticed that my responses seem to surprise people when I say we are doing good! I think back to January when the doctor found Kynlee's swollen lymph-node. My initial reaction was of great concern, even though I really had no reason to worry at that point. As time went on and more tests came back negative(leaving the option of the more serious left) I would go back and forth with my emotions. I had moments of fear and uneasiness. No one ever wants to see someone they love go through something so horrible, especially my little, beautiful, sweet baby girl. I experienced sadness, only to remember that I didn't have to feel this way. Somewhere along the way I reminded myself that Faith can replace my Fear. This is something I have had many opportunities to test and put into action due to many personal experiences. I also know that worrying about something will do me NO good, it will only fill my head with negative thoughts and that is not beneficial to me or anyone around me. So I work really hard at not doing this. And guess what? I do have faith! Faith in my Heavenly Fathers plan for me and my family. I know through experience that whatever it is he asks of me, I can do it. He knows me individually and he knows what I need and how I need to grow and what it's going to take to get me there. I also know that he has blessed me with so many wonderful blessings. He has not left me out here on my own. I have been blessed with so many dear friends in my life along with a testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and this knowledge brings me comfort. So here we are now a day away from results, and I feel peace. Im sure a lot of that comes from all of those praying for our family right now, but I also believe it comes from the faith that I do have. We hope to find out tomorrow that everything is just fine and it was just a really big, benign reactive lymph-node for some odd reason. If that's the case I will be grateful I didn't wallow in self pity for no reason. If the results come back as lymphoma then I will continue to pray for my little girl and for the strength, courage and faith necessary to make it through the hard days ahead. And this is why I say, "We are doing good!"