Saturday, November 9, 2013

02/13/12 Good NIght????

Well, its really late and I still have to pack and fold some laundry, but I wanted to jot down a few of my thoughts. First of all I have amazing friends and neighbors. We had a wonderful lasagna dinner with homemade rolls and colorful jello and MINT BROWNIES, plus cookies and fruit pizza. All the thanks to my neighbor Ivana, sister Kelli and Bills dad. They really are awesome. Another neighbor brought over a treat bag for Bill which was AWESOME. I just feel so blessed. The family got blessings from Bill and then I gave my kids their books I made for them. Kyle started to cry. He and Ryan both had little bit of a rough day. I on the other hand felt really good. I really say thats the power of prayer. So thank you!

Tucking the kids into bed tonight was the hardest for me and for them too, luckily I had Bill to try and hold it all together. He is my rock. Anyway, knowing I wont see them for a little while is tough and knowing when I come home I wont be able to do everything for them is also hard. We will get through it though, we did before. Thats what I keep reminding myself. I love my family so much. Things like this really put that into perspective. There really is nothing greater.

My kids were crying when I tucked them in( I did a little, but I stayed strong for them) and I told Kyle that I left them for a trip and they were fine. So they will be fine again, its just like that. He didnt agree, he said this is worse because its surgery...Ryan said the same thing at the same time. These kids understand a lot more than I probably did at that age. I reminded them to look at the pictures of our family having fun in their new book if they feel sad so they can remember a few of the good memories and hopefully smile and lastly I told them to rely on prayer. They can pray and they will be comforted. I know that, I felt that power in my own life. I hope they use that and feel of its power. What a testimony lifter it will be for them. It can be something they will always remember and what an important thing to remember. I reminded them that these things we go through make us who we are today. We will get through this together.

Well, I guess thats it. It wont be long before this whole thing gets started. Lets get'er done!

Thanks again for EVERYTHING!

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