Saturday, November 9, 2013

New news...07/07/09

First of all thanks for all of those who have been patient with my longest post make up for it I am writting something short and sweet!!

Well, as some of you may know my blood pressure started going back up after the antibiotics, but it is really low again, so the dizziness has come back (which I am bummed about after being able to drive for the past few weeks) and the pressures in my head are so severe again. Well, last week I had another ct scan and my ENT doc called me today and its not looking to good! The infection has filled my sinuses, the tissue around my upper face, my eyes, nose, and forehead. They have started me on a high dose medication to help because it could cause bigger problems if they cant control it. There was one other problem, but I didnt understand what terms he was using over the phone and I just figured I didnt care at that point! Anyways, I will be meeting with my doctor as soon as he gets back from vacation, but until we have more surgeries this will continue to be an issue and may be for the rest of my life even after surgery. So now we really do know what is causing the low blood pressure etc. I tell you what though, I really appreciated the few weeks I felt good(besides the allergic reaction I had) Its amazing what a difference your health makes! This is one thing I think I may have taken for granted before!

Today I got the sad news that my grandma Char has bone cancer. I have always LOVED my grandma Char. We have always had a special connection ever since I was little. I hope she can fight through it, and I know she can do it! She is always so positive and such a great example to me. I really love her. Good luck Grandma!

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