Saturday, November 9, 2013

4th Day - 3rd Day After 02/18/12

First of all, I am sorry that I have not put up a post yet, especially for those faithfully following Cari's progress. Instead of doing the hourly format that I did yesterday, I'm going to try and hit some of the highlights.

One of the common themes that runs through Cari's days is the fact that she is very weak. When I was trying to feed Cari breakfast, I felt like I was trying to feed Ryan, our 6 year old. Ryan is our pickiest eater and has this routine that he does when he eats. It goes something like this: Ryan puts a bite of food in his mouth, chews it up for about 10 minutes until it resembles a nasty drool and then he mutters, it's yucky, and I can't get it out of my mouth. As the good parents that we, are we tell him, just swallow it, but to no avail, he mumbles, "I can't" usually as it runs down his chin, and onto the floor. Well, that is about what Cari did today, but she wasn't, as happy when I told her you only can't if you say you can't.

Kelli(sister) came to visit Cari today. Kelli did a great job taking care of Cari and helping her to relax. I think it helps Cari to have visitors, but at this stage it also wears her out too. After Kelli left I was able to help Cari to get a shower. It was her first since the surgery, so there was quite a bit to accomplish between avoiding her incision to getting the dried fluids out of her hair. I think that she felt better and she seemed to be able to relax.

All in all it was a fairly uneventful day and Cari seemed to be able to do more, but I wonder if she has over done it. Cari's dad came up tonight and worked on Cari(massage) which helped her to relax while he was here, but as soon as he left, Cari was pretty tired. True to form, when others are around Cari pushes it and then crashes at the end of the day.

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