Saturday, November 9, 2013

Day 3 2nd day after surgery 02/15/12

8:00 am - It was decided this morning that the pain pump would be removed and we are going to switch Cari to an oral medication. This will hopefully make pain management a little easier on Cari. She will not have such a quick delivery system, but she will also not crash after it wears off just quickly.

9:00 am- About 9 this morning the resident doctor working with Dr Sadiqi stopped by and decided now was the time to pull out the drain. That was interesting to watch because it was like watching a snake being pulled from under the skin. Cari is still nauseas, but wants to eat. The nausea is hindering her desire to do that though.

10:00 am - Cari is still feeling nauseas. We are working with a few medications trying to get that under control so that she can eat again. Not much is very appealing to Cari right now. Pain is fluctuating right now as we are working to even out the highs and lows of her oral medication. They just upped her dosage in an effort to do that.

11:00 am - Cari's head is feeling very heavy. It is amazing how heavy 8lbs can feel when you are not feeling well. Cari's mom showed up over the last hour and has been able to relate stories of the events that have been occurring back at home. That seems to be keeping her mind off of the time passing so slowly.

12:00 pm - Physical therapy was here and we were able to get Cari out of bed. We went down the hall about 50 ft before the energy sap on Cari was too much. We took her back, but if you look at it from a progressive point of view, that is about 48 ft farther than yesterday. When we returned from our little stroll, we sat Cari in a reclining chair which is where she is currently. One reason that this is good is to get Cari's body use to pumping blood vertically to the brain instead of horizontally.

1:00 pm - The swelling is ramping up since the drain was removed and there is little place for that swelling to go. The catheter has been removed, which is forcing Cari to control more of her body functions. This requires her to get up, every so often, which is what is needed to convince her body to kick into high gear. Lunch came, but it is still difficult to get Cari to want to eat. She is not excited to eat because her fear of throwing it up, I think, scares her more than not eating at all.

Just before about 2:00 pm - Cari has bee given some more pain medication along with an additional dose of nausea medication. She seems to be resting for now, and that is always good for me to see. I feel like I have the easy part of all this, but seeing her so uncomfortable is hard for me to watch when the clock goes by so slowly. I am more relaxed, the more she is relaxed and I know that she is at least a little bit comfortable.

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