Saturday, November 9, 2013

Best things in life, arent things!

Is there really anything better than being a parent? I just LOVE my kids so much! They are always surprising me and saying the funniest things. There have been so many different things I wanted to write about lately so that I wouldnt forget and now, here I am and I cant remember them all...I guess that is the problem with not doing it right away when it happens. Well, here is atleast one story from each of my cuties.

Kyle-This kid is just growing up WAY to fast! He likes a girl at school and wants to wear cologne, so he smells good! But not only is he growing up that way, he is also so SMART! Today we were working on his homework and it was all about shapes. Spheres, Cylinders, Cubes etc. It was wanting the vertices, edges and flat sides. Well, I felt pretty confident on MOST of it, but apparently Kyle did not think I was right on one thing, so I looked it up on the internet. Sure enough HE was RIGHT! Thats right, Im NOT smarter than a 2nd grader!! Wow, was that a bad night in the Greer home for me! The worst part was he didnt want my help after I was wrong, he would go straight to dad! He already says dad teaches him better on his spelling words! Of course he tells me I do a good job too(just so I dont feel bad). He is such a cutie. When he was right today, he said..."Mom, I listen during class, I really pay attention." Well, great job Kyle, Im SO PROUD OF you!

ANother story..His primary teacher called to tell me this and I thought I was pretty cute. I guess they are earning "brownie points" in his class for treats and apprently they were getting really close and Kyle wanted to earn enough, so he parked his chair in the corner, folded his arms and told all of his friends to leave him alone and dont talk to him, because he had a mission and that was too earn enough points! Way to go Kyle, Im glad you know what you want and wont let people get in your way of achieving it!

Last one on Kyle. I mentioned he likes a girl at school. Well, he isnt in her class and he doesnt know her that well(well, atleast from what I have gathered) anyway, so I would always ask him if he has talked to her or played with her at recess before. He would always say no, and then sometimes he would tell me he would say "HI" in passing. Well he came home from school and said mom, I played with *&%* at recess today. I was shocked! He then told of how he was nervous to ask if he could play with her, but he told his friends this was something he had to do on his own. And so, he got up the courage to ask this girl to play with him...ALL BY HIMSELF! Its so cute it makes me laugh!

Ryan or should I say, Mr Tease-Ryan also claims to have a girlfriend in his afternoon preschool class. Apparently, she asked him if he could sleep over. I told Ryan, we dont do sleepovers...especially with girls! This will be funnier later on his life, because right now it really is so innocent! This little guy is my little buddy and rarely wants to go to other kids houses to play because he would rather be home with me or have friends at our he can STILL be with me!

So, Ryan was on the lesson for Family HOme Evening this week and usually when the kids have the lesson it takes me 10 times as long because I try and teach them and then have them recall the info so they can teach it and actually learn and recall something on their own. The kids LOVE FHE and they always have a great attitude when it comes to preparing their part. This particualar day was crazy and I asked Ryan what he wanted to give the lesson on and he thought for a second and said, He KNEW what to do. I thought ok...sounds good, what do you want to do? I asked him and he told me that the lesson would be on NOT BREAKING THE DISHES! I was trying SO hard NOT to bust up laughing. Did he really just say this? I tried to think where it was coming from, because I dont know if we have even had any dishes break since we moved here! I didnt want him to be discouraged and think his idea wasnt good enough, and since I was short on time, I thought...WHO CARES! Lets go with it!
So, FHE roles around and sure enough Ryan is READY to teach! Bill and I were trying really hard to keep it together. Bill asked him if he had a hard time NOT breaking dishes. Ryan said, "No." Then Bill said, "Well, then you are the PERFECT person to give us this lesson!" Does anyone have this problem in our family? NO! It was just so FUNNY! We of course took it to the next level by discussing how we should take care of the things we have, including our bodies, be respectful to our things as well as others! I wish this story could do the story justice. He was hilarious!

Ryan LOVES to taunt his litle sister. He always takes away her DOLLS, BRACELETS...anything girly, just to get under her skin. I must admit he does a pretty darn good job of it too! Trust me, Im NOT encouraging it!

Kaylee-I think I have mentioned on here before that she is PURE entertainment! Tonight I dont know if this was a "funny" story, but one I should journal anyway. Bill had a running meeting to go to tonight for the relay race coming up that he is in and so I was putting the kids to bed and Kaylee was on one tonight. I tucked her in and she got out of bed 7 TIMES!!! Either Im too nice, or too inconsistent, or she really wasnt tired. Maybe it was just a combination of it all! She kept saying,"awake" "awake" I would reply, "Yes Kaylee, I know you are awake, but it is time to go to sleep" She just kept saying, "No", which is one of her favorite words unfortunately. I kept taking her back up to bed(see, I was consistent!) I guess the last time I did rock her in the rocking chair, and i will admit the fact that I liked it! My little girl isnt always going to be so little, so its worth enjoying it while I can. I finally said it was time to go to bed and she obliged in the sweetest little voice. I love my little girl!

Kaylee is our little actress in the house and she knows it. She started laughing at herself today after she was pretending to cry. I must say, she is pretty darn good! That is scary for me!

Kynlee, well she is just pure sweet and joy. Her personality is coming out more and more. I dont want to say too much about her because I am ready to do a whole post dedicated to her, it has been awhile! She loves to play with her Daddy and the kids. She is smily and easy to get laughing. I better hurry and do her own post!

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