Saturday, November 9, 2013

Day 5 - 4th Day After 02/18/12

Not really sure what I want to put down today. For everyone out there, it may seem as though things are different, but from where I am sitting, it seems like more of the same. Doctors have been in and out of the room from the wee hours of the morning telling Cari that by the numbers she is great and can, or maybe should be thinking about going home. I on the other hand have to sit here and watch Cari barely eat her food, barely have enough strength to walk 50 ft down the hall, and barely able to get her medication again before it has completely worn off.

For anyone that knows Cari, she loves to visit, and really appreciates it when people come and see her, so I know that she is not feeling well when she is telling me that she just doesn't really feel up to visitors. I don't know what to think about it all, but it seems like humanity in general is in question when it is as if the doctors are working more for the insurance companies, than they are for the patient. You really start to get that sense when the doctors themselves say, "by the numbers."

I apologize for the rant, but man it is so draining to keep hearing.

The good news from all the discussions that I have been having may have paid off. It looks like Cari will be here another night at least. There is one resident that seems to be helping to really assess the situation to get Cari back to a more normal Cari. She is still weak and tired, but we are now doing some things to get her medications reduced and scaled back. Maybe that will provide some relief from the drowsy state that she is finding herself in at the moment.

The bright spot today was a visit from a friend of Cari's that stopped by to lift her spirits. Ora had skills to french braid Cari's hair which helped to keep it out of Cari's face. Cari is looking good at this point, and after Ora left Cari was able to go to sleep. It is a maxing to me how many people decide to come into the room when Cari is asleep. I started throwing people out to allow Cari to get some uninterrupted sleep.

This afternoon someone from physical therapy came to work with Cari, and finally someone saw her lack of energy and took note. The therapist had Cari sit on her bed and move pillows from one side to the other. Cari thought the pillows were heavy and didn't make it to the 4th one effectively. A PA on staff came in and a discussion ensued about Cari's lack of energy and inability to stand up straight. But at least for tonight she will be in the hospital. I am sure that we will be at it again tomorrow.

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