Saturday, November 9, 2013

Cities of Angels

I heard about this contest with tihe Utah Valley Magazine and it asked for one specific angell, but this is what I submitted because I would feel so ungrateful if I ddint! I honestly have been blessed by cities full of angels! About 5 months ago I was in a serious car accident while I was living in Lindon. Right before the accident I was 7 months pregnant and in the process of builing a new home in Lehi, running a business, a mother to two boys and a wife . When the accident happened I had so many neighbors, friends and family who jumped in to help. People I knew and some I had never met before in my life. I was overwhelmed when I returned from the hospital to see so many giving so much during such a busy time of the year(Christmas season). I had Neighbors driving my oldest son 20 minutes to and from school everyday...40 minutes round trip, (since we had already started him in our soon to be new area). Meals brought into our family for months, babysitters who cared for my boys when my husband had to work, babysitters taking care of me, all my household duties and givng me watcful care, like getting me food, giving me medicine and most of all giving me love in a time that was so difficlut. So many sent thoughtful cards and gifts. Many youth sacrificed their time and went over to our new house and got it all cleaned and ready to move into and another group after we moved in helped also came to help. After being out of the hospital for 3 weeks our new house was ready and neighbors came and packied up my entire house, showed up with trailers and made the move to a new area so easy. (although leaving them behind was even harder)You know the sayiing lots of hands make light work! I sat back and watched as I was weak and in pan, but seeing all the love and support blessed my life forever! When we arrived to Lehi there were many there to help unpack, people I had never even met! I had new neighbors and old arriving daily to help un pack, put things away, prepare meals, and most of all provide friendship. One day a new neighbor stopped by announcing that her cleaning business was going to clean all the exterior windows and the inside of our new house on Saturday. Saturday came and sure enough a group of 5 peopel that I never even met showed up to clean. I offered her some money and she wouldnt except it, she said that she told her workers that there was a family in need and if they wajnted to show up on their day off they could, but if they couldnt it was no big deal. And sure enough they all showed up to help and serve my family, people they had never even met and knowingly they did it without pay. Then there were those that continued to bring in dinner and help to my family. Someone became what our family named the secret giver, which left us a htoughtful note and gift on our doorstep night after night. Little did they know the bright spot they brought into our family, especially for our children during such a difficult time for them. People would call just wanting to help. At times, I didnt know how they could because there were already so many helping. I have a llong list of names and more stories of the help we recieved. I truly felt as though we had angels around us, constantly, giving so much and sacrificing their own time. I never had to worry how my son would get to and from school, or who would watch my kids during long doctor appointments day after day. It wasnt just one city of Angels but literraly cities full of angels.of people who showed me the real meaninig of Christmas and a true example of love. I will be forever grateful to those friends old and new who lifted us up when we were down and made our experience so much brighter.

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