Saturday, November 9, 2013

Mornign of Surgery 02/13/12

Have you ever had a day when you knew that the things that happened on this day, could change the course of your life? Today is that day for our family, but more for Cari.

February 13, 2012
3am - True to form, Cari is still running around worrying about everything that she needs to get done. I on the other hand am content with the thoughts that my children may very well eat cookies for the next week at the very least. I have 2 rules when it comes to anyone watching my children. Rule 1: My children don't die. Rule 2: My house doesn't burn down. That is pretty much it. Cari on the other hand, has wrapped gifts for her children so that they have something to look forward to, other than the fact that their mother is going in for a very invasive surgery.
I am grateful, once again, for the many individuals that offer their support, love, and concern. Thank you... In advance.

4:30am - Boy, it seems awfully early to be getting up and with such little sleep. Cari, seemed to be more awake than I and was up before me, but I have less anxiety about what this procedure is going to entail. She had to shower, and blow dry her hair. It was a little surreal as we loaded our things into the car. Cari didn't think that I packed enough, but my suitcase is twice the size of hers. It was a surprise to me as I lifted the bags into the trunk of my car, only to realize, her's is still heavier than mine. How does that happen.

5am - We are on the road. Somehow we managed to leave almost on time. The conversation was light, but we were trying to keep our minds off of the actual surgery. Literally, we have been planning for this surgery for 3 years. Ever since the accident, we knew that additional surgery would be necessary. The little discussion that we did have during the drive to the hospital was about how we knew that this is what we needed to do. Cari took her mind off of things by trying to beat my high score in a game called "Ticket to Ride."

6am - By this time we are at the hospital and realizing the fact that this surgery is going to happen. We have joked a little that we should just go home, but it is not long before we have checked and she is changed into the styl'in hospital gown. Now we wait... And no better than a one on one match of her favorite game. Just as I was about to win... The doctors started to arrive. First the OR Nurse. He was most laid back and we asked him a few questions. Then came the anesthesiologist who was more about the specifics, making sure medications were not going to interact poorly with Cari. Finally, we get to talk to the doctor in charge Dr. Sadiqi. He has a calming seamen or, but it is becoming very real for Cari and you can see the emotion building. Soon, all questions have been asked and there is nothing left to hold off the inevitable. I give Cari a final kiss before her surgery and they have wheeled her away.

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