Saturday, November 9, 2013

Cari and her doctors!

My sister in law wanted to know how things were going with my situations and so I replied to her email and I thought this was probably good to have on here as well, so here is my reply...

Well, that is a big question! On Friday my OB doc called to talk to the Neurosurgeon and he didnt realize that I hadnt had another catscan yet, so they sent me last minute to the hospital to get the ct scan. I was so happy that they got that taken care of just so I would have some kind of planning available for c-section or not. The report showed that there is no bleeding in the brain and no swelling, which is great. Apparently, though my neuro doc wants to see the film and not just the basic radiology report because he is looking for other thintgs. We met with him today and I didnt get the message on my cell phone until after that I was supposed to take those up there, so we still dont know the details of that, but I should be good to deliver normal, unless there are any unforseen events that pop up during delivery. SO that is great!
Then yesterday I met w/3 docs and they all had good things to say so I was feeling pumped. My oral doc took new x-rays and we could see a huge improvement on my bite and healing of the jaw, so I am now allowed to start chewing food...just in time for hospital food!!
Then we saw my Orthopedic doc and the bone is growing good together, the angle is worse than it was(maybe since I have fallen on it a few times) but he thinks it will be okay. Its really hard to tell because my arm is so skinny, so once I grow back some musscle it shoudl be easier to tell if my arm looks crooked. But he did give me the go ahead to let my right arm assist in holding the baby. So that is also great news, just in time for baby.
Then I saw my OB doc and things looked good with baby and we are scheduling to possibly be induced on Friday to help avoid extra pressure and pain in my head. I have up til Friday morn to change my mind though! Ive been having lots more contractions, but its still hard for me to think I am ready to have a baby, because I so dont feel that way!
Then Today I met with 2 docs. First my plastic surgeon, which is my head doc. This apt didnt go as well as I had hoped. I left a little discouraged and overwhelmed with all that still will have to be done over the years. I have an infection in my head so he has placed me on an antibiotic and then he went over lots more details of my fractures I experienced in the accident and I dont think I ever realized how severe they were. He spent 45 min in the room with us going through things. Unfortunately I still have many surgeries to go, and just as my hair starts to grow back then they will have to shave it off again and start again. That is no fun for me. I get tired of hats all the time! Pretty much all the scars that are healing now will just have to be reopened for surgery and have to heal all over again. And after each surgery we have to wait 6 months for swelling to go down before we can start again. I wish there was an easier fix! Some things they had to do as last resort and it may not get fixed as well as I would have hoped and they may have to use my hip or rib bone for grafts, so needless to say I was a little bummed.
Then my neuro doc today coudltn do much because he wanted to look at the catscan films. So all in all yesterday was a great day and today not so great! There, I hope that answers your questions and sorry its so long. Thanks for caring, it means a lot to us.
And we will let you know when this baby comes...

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