Saturday, November 9, 2013

Last post of the day 02/13/12

I am sorry that it has taken me so long to get back to everyone that has been paying such close attention to Cari's surgery today. It has been a long day, but for the most part uneventful. The day started off filled with the hope of a better tomorrow and has ended with a realization that this is just the beginning. The doctors are of course optimistic, as are we, that recovery from surgery will go smoothly. As for tonight, it is difficult to watch Cari struggle with the physical condition of coming back from such a long time under anesthesia. There have been times, when comments from Cari have had everyone laughing like when she mutter's to the new nurse at the shift change, "you're cute!" The times that are tough, is when she is heaving the remains of surgery from the depths of her stomach and the pressure and discomfort travels through her whole body. It's at those times that I wonder if it will be worth the pain.
Sitting through 10 hours wondering when her surgery would be finished was easy compared to watching the pain wrack her body for even a single hour.
I appreciate those that came up to support Cari and myself. It has given me some reprieve from my desire to do nothing else than to make sure Cari is as comfortable as she possibly can be.
I am tired... I will continue to keep you posted on the progress. At about 10:15pm Cari appears to resting. I hesitate to say that she is sleeping. The bright light at the end of this tunnel is that when I look at her "resting," her eyes do not appear to be open. One of the many reasons why she needed this procedure done. For now I will share some pictures from the moment that I was reunited with Cari after her surgery. Swelling will continue and discoloration will ensue, but healing will be the final result. Thank you all for your support once again... Bill.

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