Saturday, November 9, 2013

A Year Ago Today 11/08/2010

What where you doing a year ago today? For many Im sure you wouldnt have a clue, and if it was most any other a day I am sure I wouldnt have a clue as to what I did or even what happened, but for me November 9th is a day I will probably always remember.

This is the day that started out quiet and relaxing, different from the recent days of being really tired from all the work of building our house, getting our 9th frnachise ready, being pregnant with too many contractions, and really overall just feeling a little overwhelmed in general with all that I needed to do. Now looking back on all of that, it really doesnt seem so bad!

I was getitng lots of rest that day since my mom had taken my boys for the weekend so I could get caught up and take care of my baby inside of me. After a nice Sunday morning we headed down to eat dinner with my parents and pick up our kids. The day continued to be enjoyable and relaxing. This is when it all starts to get a little fuzzy for me....we left my moms and thats pretty much all I remember. Apparently we talked about what light fixtures we needed to pick out and what color of paint we wanted...etc until our car collided with a 2000lb cow. Sometimes I wish I could remember what happened, maybe so I can understand a little of what my husband and kids had to go through that night, or maybe just because if I could remember then maybe in my mind it would mean that things werent really as bad as they were. I sit here typing and its surreal to even think at this time I was most likely being life-flighted up to the U where I spent the next few weeks undergoing extensive facial surgeries. So many thoughts go through my mind, things like...I wish I could have been there for my kids and Bill to reasure them through it all and then the thoughts go all the way too... I wish I could remember what its like to touch my face, my real face of bones and not all of these metal plates and screws that live under my skin now. But then again I find my thoughts going straight to all of the many blessings that I try to stay focused on everyday, like the greatest of all and that is having my family with me each and every day and all the people that in one small way or another left a mark in my heart that will never be erased when they saved my life...helped my family and planted a memory of love and service that I will never forget. I wish I was a better writer, because then I could possibly portray a glimpse of what I feel right now.

On one hand as I write these very personal thoughts I feel so in awe that it has already been a year. I think of all that I have gone through and all the things I have been able to overcome and all the things I KNOW I will STILL overcome...I can do this, the Lord knew I could and I just have to be strong and have faith that it will all work out, and so far it has. I know that life cant always be perfect and I am okay with that, but I also know that I can choose how I will react to my life and the things that happen in it. I am grateful for the knowledge that I have of a loving Savior who really is there for me when life gets tough. Sometimes when I feel like I can tdo it anymore I know he is there to lift me up and reassure me and remind me of the things that really matter. Im so grateful for a husband who still loves me even though my outer shell is different than what he married and not too mention super expensive!!!

These past few weeks I have thought a lot about this past year and what my family and I have been through and the miracles we have witnessed. I hope that as the years continue to progress the memories my children and husband have will fade and be replaced by more positive experiences of the time we have been able to enjoy together. I am so lucky to be married to my best friend who comforts me in his opening arms and listeneing ears when Im having a down day and for my children who remind me of the greatest blessing I've been given . I could have lost my life that night but I could have also lost the lives of those I love. Im so grateful for my second chance at life and the progress I continue to make.

Here is a link to some of the pictures of the even, I know there are older posts that go into more detail on what happened, but I must say this gives a good idea of how far I have come.

Thanks again to all of you who helped me and my family out through this difficult year. Many of you want to know how things are progressing...things continue to improve. I still have double vision at night when I am tired. My swelling continues to go down, in fact so much that you can feel all sorts of screws and plates in my head. I do have pain when I lay on a pillow if its on the wrong angle and so then I just try and adjust so that I can get some rest! I think the biggest problem is the reoccuring sinus infections because they cause so much head pain and with everything that is wrong in my head pain is the last thing I want there. I would take the pain anywhere else if I could! As for the rest of my family I think they are slowly getting back to life...less nightmares and less stress to deal with(boy am I glad about that). Another common question is when will I have surgery again...well I was sad when my plastic surgeon moved away but I am now starting to gear up for round two and really researching physicians. I know that it will be hard, but I also have to remind myself that I have a whole life to still live and I want a full recovery as best as I can!

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