Saturday, November 9, 2013

An update in Cari's words 02/14/12

We seem to have a little bit of time here this morning and Cari wanted to get some thoughts down in her own words. I slept fairly well from about 1:00am to 6:30am, but was rudely awakened by the residents on staff here as they came stampeding into the room, seemingly turning on every light in the process. Cari will be going in for a CAT scan this morning at 8:00am.

So, here is what Cari wanted all of you to know in her own words.
I think the hardest part is experiencing things that I had not planned on. I prepare myself a lot mentally, so when I am not prepared, it makes it that much harder. I was not prepared for the constant throwing up of blood and the extreme pain in my face that followed that. Getting comfortable is really hard and the night dragged on for me. I would ask what time it was and barely any time had passed from the time before. It is so hard when I am in so much pain. My eyesight is terrible again, and it reminds me how hard it is to put things where you want them to go. They say that soon my eyes will be swollen shut. So, I guess it won't really matter anyways (double vision.)
However, amongst all this, I still feel very blessed for so many little miracles, thanks to all the fasting and prayers.
Cari is in a lot pain, so that is all she can handle for right now. More to come later

So, the order of business today is to try and make Cari as comfortable as possible. I am not sure how often or when updates will come, but I will try keep the channels of communication open. If anyone has any questions that they would like an answer to, ask, and I will work on getting an answer.


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