Saturday, November 9, 2013

Progress 02/22/12

So, it has been a few days since we have been home from the hospital. After the apprehension that was very apparent, we have at least settled into a routine at home.

When we first got home, we showed up about 5 minutes too soon. Our children were heading to Chucky Cheese, to give Cari some time to settle in, but they had not quite left yet. So, of course, after not seeing Cari or I for nearly a week, the kids were anxious to see their mom. We put a hat on Cari and hoped for the best. We expected the girls to have a hard time, but it was the boys that had the hardest time. The boys mustered enough courage to offer a hug and then backed up. The girls were stand offish, but then were clingy to mom. The biggest surprise came later that night when they saw Cari without her hat, the boys complained about feeling dizzy, so we called it a night for them, but the girls became clingy to dad. It wasn't until Kaylee pointed out the fact that she could see the scar that we realized that Cari wasn't wearing the hat any longer, and that seeing her now was different. Eventually that night the girls warmed up, but it wasn't until day 2 that the boys pushed past the changes.

The first two days were the roughest, I actually slept in my own bed, as well as Cari. Cari had some adjustments to make also, as is true to form. Cari woke me up on the first morning after coming from the hospital... from the floor. Her reasoning was that she could not wake me up, but she had no problem doing it from across the room, when she didn't have the strength to make it back to bed. I did wake up, with a heart attack, and unable to comprehend the thinking behind the actions. This is Cari though, thinking that she is helping by not bothering somebody else, even me.

After, this rude awakening, things seemed to settle down to more of an even keel. Cari stayed in bed until someone was around to help her get around. We have started to see some of her energy and strength return, which has been nice.

The biggest and most notable difference has been the swelling that has started to subside. Each day there is noticeable improvement. Cari is still waiting for enough of the swelling to go down so that she can see the new mobility in her face. It is kind of the joke around here as time passes, because when Cari smiles, her mouth smiles, but her eyes, cheeks and forehead stay put. We are looking forward to the day when she can raise her eyebrows.

Thank you, to everyone that has offered help, support, and kind words through this time. Things are quickly improving and we are well on our way back to the way things were before, but for Cari will have things a little "smoother."

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