Saturday, November 9, 2013


I have felt like there has been one thing after another and I am just trying to hang on and survive! I have the good days and the bad days, but it seems like the goal lately has been to keep my head above water. Im not going to lie, on one hand I am amazed at what I do get done these days, but on the other its never enough. Then, you throw in infections, sick family, etc and it seems almost impossible to survive! As of late, Sunday to be exact. I went to church and noticed that my right eyelid was bothered anytime I would touch it, it continued through the day. Then the next morning I awoke to a very red and swollen eyelid/eye. My list of things to accomplish that day was a mile long so I was hoping the eye thing would just go away. By afternoon it was getting worse, so I called my amazing Dr Patel's office. Sad news for me was he was out of the office until Wednesday vacationing. So, in the mean time I talked to his nurse Jill who is fantastic. She gave me a few options. Either get someone to drive me up the the U or go to an insta care around me. I told her I would think about it but most likely stay close to home. Its just easier. Lately, one of my biggest complaints is not being able to do things for myself and then in return making it someone elses problem too, because I need help. SO the last thing I wanted to do was call someone to come and watch my kids and then call someone else to drive me up there and take 4 hours out of their busy day and be bored with me at the docs office. ( I have already had a friend have to do that!) So, I figured I would wait it out more, or go to the insta care. By now its late afternoon and Kaylee had a bday party to go to, so I headed over to the neighbors to drop her off. While I was dropping her off her dad(a pediatrician), took a look at me and told me I needed to get my eye taken care of ASAP, and not wait any longer. He told me what he though it was and said it can be very serious. After that, I thought I should probably go in. So, with Kynlee in tow I headed out to the instacare. We got there and the doctor was not super impressive. He didnt know what i had and he was looking it up on his phone. He mentioned the one my neighbor had said but then he couldnt get past the fact that my eyelashes were partially red/blonde and the other part black, so he was thinking the red/blonde were crustys in my eye? I dont know it was weird. I tried to explain to him that my good friend died them black before surgery, so maybe it was the eyelashes growing out! I dont know! Anyway, he prescribed me eye drop antibiotics and sent me on my way with instructions telling me that it would probably NOT be better by the morning and if not then I would need to go to the ER and get IV antibiotics. I left not feeling very confident in his diagnosis, because he was unclear from his own diagnosis. So, I decided to just head over to the ER. I was so glad that I did. They told me that I had PERIORBITAL CELLULITIS. Which is serious, can get in the blood stream/cause meningitis/loss of eye sight/etc. Then on top of that with all my recent surgeries it became even more important. SO, they put me on a very aggressive course of antibiotics internally and with drops. I cant remember what all the drugs were for, but they are obviously helping because 5 days later and there is very little swelling remaining. I get so used to being in so much pain, that it was actually nice to feel the difference in the relief once the meds started to take their course. This has caused more head pain, right above that eye, but I am on the mend! I just have to keep remninding myself, Come what may and LOVE it!

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