Saturday, November 9, 2013

So much to be thankful for...11/27/08

First of all, I have so much I want to say to everyone, but typing with one hand is difficult and takes a long time, so i Dont think everything I want to say will be here, but I will try. i Just wanted to say how Thankful I am for everything right now. Being through this accident has definitly been a challenge on our enitre family, but it has also been a miracle to watch it all unfold. Not only am I so grateful for all the little miracles along the way, like someone driving by that had cell phone coverage to help us, or the fact that the cow didnt end up in the back seat on my kids, things like the fact that the night of the accident plastic surgeons were in charge and therefore they saved me from having to have a tracheotomoy(dont know how to spell it), but most importantly that my entire family survived, we have each other and that is the main thing of all. We feel so lucky and very blessed. This year I have realized a lot of things that I have taken for granted of things that we have every single day. Probably the main thing is i never realized how grateful I was to be able to breathe through my nose! That is one thing I really miss. But simple things like that, that we have everyday. There is so much to be grateful for and so much we are blessed with. its easy to see all the wordly items we may not have in our posession, but it is amaziung how all of that stuff has no value. i have been overwhelmed with all the love and support we have received from so mant friends and family members. These people in my life are the thigs that are worth having and definitly more valuable than any earthly posession or anything money can buy. The relationships i have that mean so much to me has been one of the greatest blessings i have had to help me along the way. There is alot of bad out there in the world ,but so much good in so many people all trying to do the best they can everyday. I am so grateful for all the people that i am surrounded by and all of you that are a part of my life, i feel so ucky to be surrounded by such amazing individuals i get to call my family and friends. Of all things I am so grateful to have the knowledge of the gospel that continues to give me peace and comfort as our family grows through this experience, I hope you can all find something small/different that you are grateful for this year too. Sometimes i think its the things we have around us everyday that we dont realize or may take for granted yet we all have them, these everyday miracles and blessings around us EVERYDAY. . Happy Thanksgiving! Thanks for all your prayers, love and support we really appreciate it.

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