Saturday, November 9, 2013

WELCOME... BABY #4 08/08/10

Meet our Surprise baby, in more ways than one. First of all, we definitly didnt have plans to have a baby so soon after Kaylee, but she had plans to get here on earth, so that would be why she was such a surprise and since she was a surprise to us, we would let her be a surprise to everyone else too! Well, everyone that didnt see My BIG round belly! So here she is...
McKynlee Faye Greer
Born 7/20/10
6lbs. 8 oz
19 inches long

Headed its crazy to think we have 4 kids!

Big sister Kaylee was SOOO excited to give baby Kynlee kisses and she kept saying, "Baby"

Her big brothers are THRILLED, to have her here, and they didnt want to give her up...they could have held her all day!

Our New Family!!! Yes there are 6 of us!!! CRAZY!!! Im just happy to have us all here together!

Ahhh, SPACE!

Love at first sight!

My nurse Cami.
This time around was a little different for me because I was induced. It wasnt bad, but it was just weird, Im use to going on my own, but trying to help with accident complications, they wanted to induce me, not to mention my doc was going out of town. By the time I got pitosin it was around 10am and then they brok my water and then I got my epidural. Then before I knew it our baby was coming! It took me the longest to get to a 6 and then it was really fast. She was born at 1:12pm. The funny thing was I had to push(only a few times) but with Kaylee I just laughed her out, so I kinda thought it would be the same, and so i felt a little silly when my doc said," ok Cari, PUSH!!" Ohh yeah, I forgot!
The biggest dilema in this hospital stay was what to name our little girl. We had all sorts of ideas...Allie, Ashlee, Ashlyn, McKinley, Rylee, Reagan....just to name a few. Well, we ended up with Ashlee McKinley when we left the hospital, but it just didnt seem right to me, so we decided to change it after we got home. So now its Kynlee! We are excited to have her here and yes, its been an adjustment having 4 kids!

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