Saturday, November 9, 2013


I am doing my best trying to reach people, but there are some that I do not have contact info if you are reading this and you helped me and my faily in ANY shape or form during our recovery from the accident PLEASE come and get your picture taken on Wednesday, June 10th at 100 E. Main Street American Fork at 6:00 p.m. We will be taking a Group picture of all those who helped me after the accident to be featured in UTah Valley Magazine.

If you sent me a message, brought a meal, watched my kids, carpooled me around, helped with business, prayed for us, helped me pack or unpack....the list goes on and on, but if you did ANYTHING PLEASE come and let me thank you publicly! I want to show that there are still SO MANY GOOD PEOPLE in this world doing GOOD THINGS EVERYDAY!! This is just one small way that I feel like I can say THANKS!!

Many of you are probably thinking...I didnt do much or I didnt do it for recognition and I want you to know that YOU DID DO A LOT AND I KNOW YOU DIDNT DO IT FOR RECOGNITION because YOU DIDNT KNOW THERE WOULD BE RECOGNITION...SO THANK YOU!!

I really want to see a BIG turnout, because I really could not have made it through without all of you. Many days I would be struggling and then I would sit down at my computer to see a message someone left me that cheered me up and made it so I knew I could keep on going...they always meant so much to me. Other days a friendly face would show up with dinner for our family. So many things,helped my family make it ThANk YoU!

Wednesday, June 10th
6:00 p.m.
Meet at the park located at 100 E American Fork(across from the AF tabernacle and AF library)

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