Saturday, November 9, 2013

getting there 02/26/12

Well, after Bill has been taking care of my blog, Im afraid noone will want to read this. From what I heard, it was pretty good! I just needed to write down a few of my feelings tonight, even though Im exhausted I feel like this is something I need to remember. I think we see blessings in our life all the time, they are just easy to forget and as rough as today was for me, I felt blessed and figured I better write it down.

My kids spent the weekend with my mom in Fairview, riding horses and playing in the snow, while Bill and I enjoyed a peaceful, quiet house. Yet while it was so quiet I had a lot of time to sit back and think...Today was just rough for me. For those of you that know me, my personality is one of those that could be explained as crazy, bubbly, over enthusiastic, social, busy body, workaholic(to name a few). If you think of all of those explanations and then think of me sitting in a bed all day, they just dont jibe! Its hard lying here in pain, when I would much rather be up and about playing and working. I think I might just have a small case of the blues. I know a lot of my swelling is going down, but I still look at myself in the mirror and get discouraged. I cant move my eyebrows and my face feels so weird. First of all, Im not used to having bone in my face anymore, so its taking a little adjusting too. The eyebrow thing scares me. I have always been one of those people that said, I would never want plastic surgery because it makes people look fake. They have no REAL expressions when they talk because NOTHING moves. Currently, I feel like one of those situations. Hopefully that will change as swelling continues to go down. My face feels all tingly and swollen(you know like after you are at the dentist). Anyway, I just felt down. I must admit other than feeling horrible in the hospital I have been doing pretty good until today. You have to have some bad to appreciate the good, right?

Anyway, so this is where the story gets good. I had the thought today that the prayers must have stopped in my behalf since Im having a break down. I know, I didnt even like my attitude with that thought (Dont worry, I will repent). So, here I am feeling sorry for myself and wishing i was better already. Then Bill starts getting some messages from friends that want to come and visit. Before I knew it my entire afternoon-evening was filled up with visitors(the most so far). Granted I was EXHAUSTED and tried to seem fine, but I did that because that was exactly what I needed. At the end of the night one of my friends told me she didnt know why she came, she just felt inspired. What a blessing she was! She was inspired along with everyone else and brought me exactly what I needed. I feel so blessed. One thing lately that I have really felt is the power of prayer in my life. I cant tell you how much my testimony has grown in that category. I have witnessed it in my own life and even in another little family that I dont even know, but follow their blog that I love to read. Prayer is real, and I feel so blessed to have that knowledge. So, here I am partially repenting for my bad and ungrateful attitude today when in reality I have nothing to complain about.
I will keep going and keep improving and a year from now I will be able to look back and say, "I did that, I made it through that, and I learned from it. These experiences are making me who I am today!"


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